What enemies do in their spare time

Thumbnail of the map 'What enemies do in their spare time'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink awful dda hold just left unrated
Created 2008-03-17
Last Modified 2008-03-17
Map Data

Description It's a footrace! And you get to slip by undetected! It's also a really, really awful "Just Hold Left" DDA!

Sorry for wasting your "newest" pagespace, I know this map sucks the hardest of any map ever, I just really felt like staging a race v.v

That's why it's "no ratings."

Edit: By the way, two more things: N would come in second (assuming he didn't collide with any of them), running just a tad slower than the floor guard at full speed, and surpassing the thump after it gained an early lead. The other thing was that you get to the door before the drone finishes :o

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Déjà-Voodoo' Thumbnail of the map 'Pattern Slither' Thumbnail of the map 'Salvador's Deli' Thumbnail of the map 'Diamond Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinwheels of Fortune' Thumbnail of the map 'Drpwnes'
Déjà-Voodoo Pattern Slither Salvador's Deli Diamond Mine Pinwheels of Fortune Drpwnes


Pages: (0)

Beat sayko

By one frame hehehehehe.
This map was shit though.
Demo Data


I don't really know what I just played...



funny name "the kitchen sink"