Salvador's Deli

Thumbnail of the map 'Salvador's Deli'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink fun funkadelic funky jawesome minejumper minejumper-ish playable rated rotated tileset tilt tilted
Created 2008-03-09
Last Modified 2008-03-21
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Oops, I accidentally rotated the world about 22.5 degrees. It's a minejumper, with no walljumps. Tileset-y. Not very difficult. I do enjoy this map.

Fastest AGD gets a ded on my next map.

Other maps by this author

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Twumpagoda Malevolent Architecture N-Richment Center Part 26 - The Geometric Sea Déjà-Voodoo Pattern Slither


Pages: (0)

but its still just an averageish map. 3


This map makes me Dizzy! but I had fun jumping around. 4/5
But I like it mostly because you pulled off a pretty good level with a very simple tileset. Clever. 4.5/5.

nice AGD

5, and this would be a bitesize if I could. I loved this, even though it was so very simple. I started to see the bottom left as the true bottom, which led to many deaths where I tryed to wall jump on a ceiling.

good job
Demo Data