Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-5)

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Author GameAndWatch
Tags action author:gameandwatch playable rated
Created 2005-06-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Episode 1-5
Thwump, angered by your insolence, challenges you to a duel. There are plenty of launchpads waiting to catapult you into his electrified maw, but with a gentle, precise touch, you just might live to see another level.
This level has quite a few launchpads, and if you are caught between the two that face each other, you are dead.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shifty Slides Advanced 1.3' Thumbnail of the map 'You've got Crabs!' Thumbnail of the map 'Enemy Homage (Ep.1-1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-2)' Thumbnail of the map 'Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-3)' Thumbnail of the map 'Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-4)'
Shifty Slides Advanced 1.3 You've got Crabs! Enemy Homage (Ep.1-1) Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-2) Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-3) Enemy Homage (Ep. 1-4)


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A low 4/5

I like the tiles and use of pads to create funny deaths. It's simple but kind of satisfying to beat.


But that last piece of gold is tough.
Demo Data


Beaten all of them so far...
Demo Data


I think for tomorrow, chainguns will be 1-6, and the rocket launcher will be 1-7, but how to pull them off...


Nice map. It was about my 14th try when I finally beat it without cheating. Ya know what they say: The 14th times the charm!

stupid fun

I've found that it is very entertaining to get killed on this level and watch the death when in debug mode. That's hours of entertainment, right there.


is a decent all-gold demo. really nicely designed level. I like how the launchpads work.
Demo Data


I'd like to see a good all-gold demo.