User information for "Sendy"

Maps 411 (Show all)
Rated Maps 326 (Show all)
Favorites 1524 (Show all)
Featured Maps 14 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 4526


I'd like to thank everyone who has encouraged my map-making 'career', those who reviewed my work positively and offered constructive criticism, and those who expressed enjoyment of my levels and posted demos. You all made a very enjoyable game even more fun, and every new map was a new chance to impress and infuriate you, and the human element added depth to a game that otherwise could have gotten overplayed fast.

In particular, recieving Dronies nominations, having some of my best maps featured, and having someone write "haul arse" on a walkthrough diagram of Platformula were high points for me.

I don't really play N anymore, but I have decided to return to my level pack (which has around 80 episodes) and tie the whole thing up. Yes, to tie it up, that is the right expression... It will be a sort of leaving present if I pull it off.

In the meantime, so long, and thanks for all the flesh!

Recent Favorites

Thumbnail of the map 'YOU'RE GONNA GO FAR KID' Thumbnail of the map 'Alone in This World' Thumbnail of the map 'Hot Steamy Lover' Thumbnail of the map 'Fluxgate' Thumbnail of the map 'Fortress' Thumbnail of the map 'Bavarian Fire Drill'
YOU'RE GONNA GO FAR KID Alone in This World Hot Steamy Lover Fluxgate Fortress Bavarian Fire Drill