I can't believe the news today

Thumbnail of the map 'I can't believe the news today'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2012-06-01
Last Modified 2012-06-01
Map Data

Description How long must we sing this song?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'We brave in the heart' Thumbnail of the map 'I've been here before a few times' Thumbnail of the map 'I GET KNOCKED DOWN' Thumbnail of the map 'When I look into your eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'I'll be' Thumbnail of the map 'There was a time when my world was filled with darkness'
We brave in the heart I've been here before a few times I GET KNOCKED DOWN When I look into your eyes I'll be There was a time when my world was filled with darkness


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try to hit you up monday. got company till then.

Best mix ever

been in my youtube favourites for about 5 years now.

Pretty good!

I like all of the challenges available, but I do agree with b_t on the rocket. The top left with the drone is a bit awkward for me, but still a fun time was had.
Demo Data

That rocket

gave me some right-good grief for a bit. Good map. Lengthy and appropriately difficult.
It's always been:
Song lyrics -> people respond weirdly
Demo Data


Demo Data

Thanks lsudny.

And I appreciate how relevant to the map everyone's being. I sincerely and wholeheartedly appreciate the fact that you're all being so attentive to the fact that there's a map being presented to you, and not anything else.

good song.


got it now, nevermind.
haha i totally forgot.
Most of my map titles are.

what news??
