
Thumbnail of the map 'Croaton'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ratatat_
Tags author:ratatat_ conceptcon gauss gold puzzle rated rocket
Created 2010-04-10
Last Modified 2010-04-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is a highscoring map that begins with a small puzzle. Not sure if it's too difficult or not, but there's no danger of dying from it, so I left it in. Once you figure it out it's easy.

If you're stuck, comment and I'll leave you a demo.

Agd's will recieve RCD's, Enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frosty' Thumbnail of the map 'Free Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Barracuda' Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Duck Time' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Old Country'
Frosty Free Runner Barracuda Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut Cold Duck Time In the Old Country


Pages: (0)

1. Perks of the job.
2. Anyone can request the same, and indeed when a discussion gets out of hand to the point of the map being ignored, many people ask me to clean up the comments. So no, it's not just for admins only.

We have forums for endless discussions, this place is for maps and when I see the new comment alert and all I get is a criticism of something entirely pointless with no mention of the map that I put a lot of effort into, it's quite annoying.

You have a very shorthand perspective on these things, and you make a lot of assumptions. You should try to avoid that.
I'm in the last column (5-0^), so It should be done soon. I might need some help from n0_ma11y for the last level, and anyone else who's good at Nreality custom switches and drones... I'll send everyone who contributed a link for it (metanet forums) when its done :)

Thank you! :3

^-^ I appreciate it!
I beat your puny demo. ^-^

All gold.

:3 Cute challenge ^-^
Demo Data


But I don't know it either... I've never made maps before now. :/

Please do. :3

I only wish to build community. Having an effect on it is even greater! :3
:) []

I'm too noobish to complete it. I didn't beat the game yet xD But the map seems good, 4/5


i'd accept it.


The opening mechanic with the oneways is really cool. You should enter this in Sunset's conceptcon. Nice work.
Demo Data
But I can't beat him yet

I can't rate this

I'm too noobish to complete it. I had troubles finding the way out of the first room :(


Damn Meta sucks. o_o

Faster than him again.
Demo Data


Also beat Meta.
Demo Data
Speedy agd, beat meta.
Demo Data

if I make a contest

would you join it?

Wow meta ;)

See his demo if your are having trouble.

thanks for all the comments. Rates?


818 frames
Demo Data


Screwed up the end.
Demo Data


Demo Data

I have

No idea how to get out of the first place

omfg so awesome

after I got out of the second room, I died.

AGDD >___>

so close =I
Demo Data