In the Old Country

Thumbnail of the map 'In the Old Country'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ratatat_
Tags author:ratatat_ fun gauss plaguerat playable rocket unrated
Created 2010-04-06
Last Modified 2010-04-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For miststalker's competition:

15 mines
30 gold pieces
1 rocket
1 gauss

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Why do the Yankees Always Win?' Thumbnail of the map 'Frosty' Thumbnail of the map 'Free Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Barracuda' Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Duck Time'
Why do the Yankees Always Win? Frosty Free Runner Barracuda Chicken Feathers All Without One Nut Cold Duck Time


but i don't really have one right now. i'll send you one ASAP.

beat your

run on map number 196970

"You said volunteer to playtest,I'll do it if you need." what are you talking about? :P i'm confused.
Was thinking I got banned or something for no reason since pakwan has the same problem xD
too bad my profile is fucked up.


thanks for _______________


there are no downsides to fbf.
i just forgot it would act different when the top tile was a half tile. trust me, when it comes to fbf, im prettywell known. =P


can do that, just make sure the ninja doesn't spend much time on the ground. Also add a one-way structure or two.


Demo Data


Demo Data

Nice agd Z,

I kept getting killed by the rocket doing that. Here's a better route, I think :)
Demo Data

Little better AGD

Demo Data


First Try
Demo Data


can be fairly difficult.