Minimalism is the new Pink

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Minimalism is the new Pink'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author eganic
Tags and-his-friend-the-wallaby. author:eganic b hazey rated ruthaford wumbla
Created 2009-01-18
Last Modified 2009-01-18
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description 4th Wumbla collab. sequel to that one map earlier, you should know which one im talking about. hope you like it.


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I'm ashamed of my time on NUMA


oh god

soooo soooo so so yes times 5 but im not on as much cause of school -.- and i havent made a map for a couple of weeks.

id like to say "i'll contact you when i have a chance" but you and i both know im not at all reliable in that area, so keep pestering me about it, i'll try to get on for a significant amount of time over the weekend


I'd love to do a third.
if i get the right inspiration.


Deliberately vague comment and faving will ensue. You haven't seen the last of this.



i dont like

this tile-style.
but this map's nice.
i have to say, nearly all your maps seem nice
this is my kind of map. ill five you long time.
i worked really hard on it.

Enough now


rate the map



Now there is 1 less mod...
i understand what you're saying, and i normally wouldnt keep someone elses avatar for so long, but im afraid i will lose my current position as moderator if i change my avatar (on this site, higher ranked officials dont always have the best judgement, as im sure you've noticed).

yeah really

can you see someone like me trying to moderate?

NUMA would be in flames in a matter of hours

I never said that

I am just suprised somebody as well silly as you is a mod.

Not in a bad way.

I just think stealing avatars is a bad thing.
i dont know why im a moderator, but something nonsensical like that shouldnt stop you from judging anyones map fairly.

How the hell

are you a moderator. I'm sorry, just your personality doesn't add up with being yop dog.
i feel theres a strong possibility that i may loose my role as moderator if i change my avatar.





rate the map.

