Welcome, Jeeves. Welcome to my abode.

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Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome, Jeeves.  Welcome to my abode.'

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Author eganic
Tags and-his-friend-the-wallaby. author:eganic b hazey rated ruthaford wumbla
Created 2008-12-07
Last Modified 2008-12-07
by 23 people.
Map Data

Description second collab with Wumbla.

you know, Rce and stuff.

first agd yada yada yada ded



very very nice



i've come a long way because i never gave up and i was always open to new ideas.


I wish I where as good as this. 5

I love this

just sayin'


possibly my favorite map as well

Kickass map.

I love it.

I love that quote, I am going to keep it.

ah ha ok

thanks :]
but then i got distracted...yea...

great map, all the things i want to say about it have probably been said already.


no kidding.



Easily my fave from you. And you forgot to rate?

PS: I'm not mahi mahi.



I looked at my older maps and saw one of your comments. I was so happy :D

Please keep Nicky, don't abandon him again. If you do, he's mine permanently.

Nicky's back

time to update my profile ):

why dont you

give me your AIM screename if you have one

you know me!

yeah.. no body remembers me when I was in 2007



Hot Dam

this is cool

that's because

back then, i was a noob.

and all my maps sucked

then i kinda graduated noobishness on my 100th map.

i still hardly know a lot of the people on here (i know their names, but thats about it) like you Notkitt :P

a year?

i joined a year ago and dont rememebr u at all


and have it turn out to be a trap. putting the name 'trap door' to literal use. ah ha irony.


I didn't know you've been around a year. That's cool, and it's also my bad. But seeing as I've been around since '04 (I had a different username back then), you're still newer than me. :P

Also, I don't quite get your point about the switch. It's like you're saying that the player clearly doesn't need any trapdoors, so they shouldn't be going for a trapdoor switch. I suppose I can see a little sense in that, but really the player doesn't know until they press it. It could seal off some otherwise tough enemy or allow you to reach some difficult gold more easily. You just never know. Especially on a complicated map like this, a trapdoor could easily look potentially useful. Maybe it's to enable you to reach the gold near the exit, or maybe it will put a bridge over the mines under the exit switch, or perhaps it'll block off that rocket on the right. So yeah, I always say no to traps like that.

im thinking

about doing an N art this christmas

thank you

i have actually been doing this for about a year now :|

i understand the 'Skyray idea' thing you were saying, good point. i'll keep that in mind in the future.

and about the trapdoor thing in the top left, i liked it open and i think its fun to make the player feel a little stupid sometimes and say "why the hell did i go for that switch"?

Much faster AGD

This is a pretty solid map. The tileset is great, and I liked the chaingun and the rocket guarding the exit switch. The other rocket was effective, but not too interesting. The mine, gold, and trapdoor usage were all pretty good. There were a couple of things I didn't like though. One was the trap in the top left, which was especially in poor taste since all you had to do was seal that area off with a 3-tile just like you did with that other nook to its right. But more importantly, I didn't like how the gold was largely unguarded (except by mines). It felt a bit like on-and-off gameplay there since the bottom left is unguarded, but then you have to nimbly get past the rocket, and then some more unguarded gold, and then you have to manipulate the chaingun just right in a relatively small area with mines around, and so on. Anyway, that's a minor complaint, and overall this map is good fun. 4/5

Btw, you should think through your accrediting a bit more in the future. It's always funny when newer members give erroneous credit to a user for a long-known concept. For the record, SkyRay wasn't the first person to have come up with the ninja starting between two mines like that. That may be where you first saw it as well as where you got your inspiration from, but it's inaccurate to call it "SkyRay's concept". "SkyRay's style" would be fine. And just to be clear, I'm not saying you should be giving credit to the true first user of that concept. It's such a small thing that it doesn't matter.
Demo Data

a secret collab?

you sly dog!
love the placement. 4.7


cool map!.

wow thanks guys

Wumbla and I are honored

im honing some new concepts and this is the result (Lost inspired tilesets, that trap-door concept, the mine idea at the beginning was Skyray's concept before we stole it etc.)

Life wins the ded, nice try though White Chocolate


This is pure awesomeness. I love the exploratory aspect youve managed to get across, and the jumper action is solid too. 4.5 up


kind of off-centered? 4.
Demo Data