Repairable Drone

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Repairable Drone'

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Author jackass77
Tags author:jackass77 hmm ill it nothing tag unrated
Created 2008-10-26
Last Modified 2008-10-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description DeD to AGD's ... Fun Little Map Inspired by NotKitt's "It Starts UnderGround" Not Sure What To Tag it lol.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '1-Upped' Thumbnail of the map 'Doompee Da Day' Thumbnail of the map 'J for...' Thumbnail of the map 'Cheaters' Thumbnail of the map 'Factor 72' Thumbnail of the map 'Up, Up and Not Away :('
1-Upped Doompee Da Day J for... Cheaters Factor 72 Up, Up and Not Away :(


Pages: (0)

Ho hum

Not your best. As said, the waiting was really bad, and the chaingun section wasnt amazing... 3


I was really disappointed, to be honest. A forced wait at the start of the level set it off to a terrible start. The outside is quite a bit above average, I guess, so you're getting a three. :/ That drone thing's really pointless and irritating though.

Sorry Notkitt

Ill Fix it
It was the cornerstone his his map.

WHoooo um.

and you spelled it wrong.