Friend or Foe?

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Friend or Foe?'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt gauss-dodger gtmdelist launchpads rated wtf
Created 2008-10-18
Last Modified 2009-01-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Ill probably delete this later, just a concept really. Basically, its a launhpad dodger for the most part. I threw in some gauss to make it fun. Tell me if this has been done before or how i could imporve the concept, and RCE. Oh, and look at my last map, it got mostly ignored after I made a crucial edit Link to R []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Drawing a Line Someplace' Thumbnail of the map 'Assorted Cashews and Parasites' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Power Plant Puzzle Three' Thumbnail of the map 'Fractal Statistics' Thumbnail of the map 'Foreign Traffic Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'R, The Mathematical Constant of Coolness'
Drawing a Line Someplace Assorted Cashews and Parasites Prison Power Plant Puzzle Three Fractal Statistics Foreign Traffic Lights R, The Mathematical Constant of Coolness


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just got screwed up
Demo Data

Nice concept...

but not that fun...


cool map nice concept



Eganic, that was just bad luck and theres nothing I can do about that :P

this, however

might be a problem.

with the mine thing, i was trying to hint that there could be mine jumper possibility with this concept... sequel...?
Demo Data
But sadly neither of us are reviewers :P Ill make more maps like this, maybe more open, maybe not.


see what i mean?
the gausses add something to this map thats just beautiful!
Demo Data
you have to find control over the ninja which is, in this case, good. i would feature this if it was a little smoother-played

Er, thanks :P

I wasnt planning on adding mines anyway. Maybe your right about the traps, but I feel they add something to the gameplay in that they can trap you without killing you.


i freaking love it the concept is great and it has terrific flow for a bunch of jumppads. love how you added enemies in to make it a little interesting. only problem i have with it is that the jumppads facing eachother can trap you and keep you there its bothersome. i wouldnt add that thing lightning said if i were you. makes it more "dont-touch-that-ey" and if you're gonna do that, make it a mine jumper. heeeey theres an idea... rant over 4


Its done, with some major modifications.


Illedit this quite a bit and let you know when its ready.


the jumppads should face tiles to kill you.

Nice concept

add gold. NR until gold is present.