Drawing a Line Someplace

Thumbnail of the map 'Drawing a Line Someplace'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt gttm playable rated tileset variety
Created 2008-10-13
Last Modified 2008-12-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Another one of those playable tileset ideas, altho this ones mostly about the playable. RCE, tell me what you think. And the gold is meant to be placed like that before anyone says its spamming, its not. Its an effect. Have absolutely no idea for a backstory :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Rise of Nationalism' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Quits Due To Lack Of Pay' Thumbnail of the map 'That's a Multi-Cylindered Wrap' Thumbnail of the map 'Wings. Won't. Help. You. Now.' Thumbnail of the map 'Double Tall' Thumbnail of the map 'They Express Their Love'
The Rise of Nationalism Ninja Quits Due To Lack Of Pay That's a Multi-Cylindered Wrap Wings. Won't. Help. You. Now. Double Tall They Express Their Love


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Playable tileset?

A map?


and it was kinda kramped but i don't mind...


I really liked the tileset but being me...
i hate seekers.......

Too much gold imho

but it still looked nice. Much too cramped for fun although the ideas in this map are superb. Rocket was much too confined although I really liked most of it. The bottom with the zap drones caught my attention. I'm going through that type of phase. Unlike Evil_Sire, the thwump thing at the beginning was pretty good; I liked it. 3.5^

great map

love the tileset


What maps are you referring too? Personally I loved the placement here, but meh.
But I hate how you have to beat the goddamn thwump.

And a rather ugly gold style.

Honestly I would have given it a 3 :P


It seems as you have a very specific style, with many curves. It's so NOT my style, but I can't say that I dislike it. The gold lines were VERY nice, but the map itself was a little too cramped, in my opinion.
Still, a big fat 4

ehh, it's okay.

you're not quite as good as you used to be imho.

Hi crescor! :P

So, what did you think of the map?

Delist was

because I didn't think the map was ready to be shown.
I just use the delist button as a cheap way too keep data from my unfinished maps.
So, what did you actually think about the map? AGD in 1500 frames is completely possible.
stop saying I sniped it when I didn't, damn you.

Lol joke, but i still reverse-sniped