The Ouroboros

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'The Ouroboros'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Acrosstheuniverse
Tags author:acrosstheuniverse dystopia surreal tileset time unrated useable
Created 2008-06-16
Last Modified 2008-06-16
Map Data

Description Actually "The Ouroboros of Sweet Discrete Interpolation", but that's too long for a title.
A tileset I found near the bottom of a twenty-something page word document along with an incomprehensible note about Marcel Duchampe.

Which is odd because if any painter comes to mind at the sight of this map it's Chagall.

No need to credit if you use, though I doubt anyone will.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'INterNatioNal' Thumbnail of the map 'Line Rider' Thumbnail of the map 'With a Name Like Eva Braun...' Thumbnail of the map 'And Jesus Spake; "Whores Are Cool Now"' Thumbnail of the map 'Lyre of the Seraphim' Thumbnail of the map 'The Decent Lakes'
INterNatioNal Line Rider With a Name Like Eva Braun... And Jesus Spake; "Whores Are Cool Now" Lyre of the Seraphim The Decent Lakes


Pages: (0)

Thumnail is pretty.

Full image is good too. Those 8 tiles just bug me.

For You []

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in this map: Oil Painting Eyes []