User information for "Karamuey"
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Maps | 62 (Show all) |
Rated Maps | 0 (Show all) |
Favorites | 20 (Show all) |
Map Ratings | |
Total Ratings | 108 |
I hate the rated maps link. It says I have 0, but it lies. I have 5. five more than I used to have, so HA.
Hi. My name is not John. It's not a lot of things, but it's definitely not John. My grandad's name is John, but mine isn't. My dad's middle name is John, but mine isn't. My middle name is Finn, not John. My first name is Calum, not John. Notice how my name only has one 'l' and is not John. I may know a lot and I may not know a lot more, but I know for sure that my name is not John. I hope you understand now that my name is not John. So feel free to call me by my name, Calum not John not John Finn.
Best rated maps (even though some of them aren't "rated")/maps that need one/a few more vote to be rated
BIRTHDAY MAP [] check it out!
alieN vs prEDITOR []
Mini Map 1 []
Outlaw Spotted []
What Will We Do? What Will We Eat? []
The Inkwell []
and that's all =P