Featured Maps: 159 to 10

Featured map for 2015-07-31: purified drinking water by Sunset

Thumbnail of the map 'purified drinking water'

Sunset might actually be a genius. This thwump trick has been around for awhile, but it seemed like everybody had forgotten about it until he made this. I think the best thing about this map is that it's not overly hard, nor is it too long. But riding those thwumps down and nailing the jumps makes it wonderfully replayable. Plus the launchpads are a nice refresher as well. All around, this a fantastic map. I can't wait to see what else this guy has in store. — Aidiera

Featured map for 2015-07-27: love of my afterlife by PALEMOON

Thumbnail of the map 'love of my afterlife'

She looked different from when he had first laid his eyes upon her, but she was still the most beautiful woman he could imagine.

Her face - perfectly sculpted, unmarred. Her complexion - unblemished, immaculate.

As he had done so often, he reached out, to tuck that lone strand of hair behind her ear, only for his fingers to meet the cool air. Of course. Silly old man. That strand of hair hadn't met his grasp for years now.

But all those changes didn't matter, for she wasn't just the love of his life. She was much, much more. — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-07-24: kids if you want some fun by Sunset

Thumbnail of the map 'kids if you want some fun'

Sunset's maps have a tendency to vary wildly in style and often seem as if they were made in bouts of schizoid fervor, but this is ultimately beneficial for us because throughout his deranged explorations through uncharted territory in map design he turns up some truly interesting specimens. This map, although fairly straightforward and simple, is an engaging exploration through a pristine tile-scape filled with abstract thwump columns that offer more challenge than would be expected. — Losttortuga

Featured map for 2015-07-22: 22-2: Hell by macrohenry

Thumbnail of the map '22-2: Hell'

Everything in this place wants to kill you, but you won’t stay dead for long. The drones, the laser, the mines — they can only make you suffer.

The other demons think you won’t last 20 deaths before giving in to insanity. But I think you’re a persistent little ninja so I’ll give you some incentive. If you can collect all the sulfur in this cave and make it out in one lifetime, I’ll let you rest for a few seconds.

Oh, and you have to do it faster than anyone else has ever done. This is hell, after all. — script

Featured map for 2015-07-20: With The Current by ~Orpheus~

Thumbnail of the map 'With The Current'

Is this guy a multi-accounter? Probably.

Do I care? Not one bit, because this is one of the greatest tilesets that I have ever laid my eyes upon. Looking at it, it comes together in an image more evocative and atmospheric than any image map could ever accomplish.

The scattered skeletal remains, the lone hook that may have been its demise, the sad weeds among which the creature lies; together, they form something otherworldy, something astonishing.

Beauty doesn't need tons of colours or shape. Sometimes, only the most basic shapes and a uniform grey are enough. — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-07-16: Risk Assessment by wibblewobble

Thumbnail of the map 'Risk Assessment'

Ages ago, when we were still hunters and gatherers, our will to survive made us collect everything that seemed useful. Today, despite our prosperity, we are as greedy as ever. Even when playing this minejumper, the awareness that any mistake will lead to a sudden death doesn’t stop us from going for the gold. The individual jumps are not that hard once you’ve figured out how to do them, but tying them all together in a single run is still quite a challenge. So assess the risk wisely and become a successful modern gatherer! — macrohenry

Featured map for 2015-07-15: Imperial Factory by ganteka

Thumbnail of the map 'Imperial Factory'

Ganteka was always able to distill his maps into something pure. His creations emanated style and were full of elegant, brilliantly effective mechanics. A fitting example is Imperial Factory, a map I remember fondly even 6 years later! In this map you will find some of the simplest pleasures of n: dodging rockets, hopping over floorguards, and collecting handfuls of wonderfully arranged gold. Truly, nothing in this map is overthought or overlooked.

Enjoy! — script

Featured map for 2015-07-12: 18-0: Marble Cross Planets by deep_blue

Thumbnail of the map '18-0: Marble Cross Planets'

“Have you ever been to the Marble Cross Planets? No? Well, you totally should. Awesome place, really. Most of it is, like, deep blue, just like home, in a way, and then you have those stray marble structures that nobody really understands where they came from or anything. Local life gathers around them and goes apeshit if you come close, so it's best to admire them from afar... But man, the sights! Those ruins look super majestic even from a distance, with all the gold gleaming in -”

“Gold? Why didn't you say so? I'm in.” — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-07-08: I got nothing by blackson

Thumbnail of the map 'I got nothing'

What do you get when you combine a beautiful geometric tile design, a minefield, a sexy gold river, and a few well-placed enemies?

Apparently, nothing.

In this map, two brilliant artists have managed to sculpt a huge amount of potential into an incredible specimen of pure nothingness. This map’s very existence might be the greatest paradox of our time.

So go ahead and play this contradiction. I guarantee you’ve got nothing to lose!

Featured map for 2015-07-05: I Don't Know How To Move by Yahoozy

Thumbnail of the map 'I Don't Know How To Move'

When I first saw this map, I thought that it looked relaxed and tranquil, where you can dial down the pace a little and take in the scenery, as one is wont to do after playing a few difficult maps.

I have never been more happy to be wrong.

This map is intense, challenging, and even unfair at times. It keeps you on your toes throughout. Nowhere is safe, and you won't always see death coming. The only thing that you can do is keep moving.

I hope – for your sake – that you know how to move. — lifdoff

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