Featured Maps: 149 to 10

Featured map for 2015-09-06: Gifthorse by tktktk

Thumbnail of the map 'Gifthorse'

tktktk is one of my favourite mappers ever, and “Gifthorse” exemplifies why. This map is the result of a master at work, and it shows in every detail. A nifty concept and a great use of space, contrasting openness and cramped rooms, top-notch enemy and gold placement, superb flow and a keen eye for aesthetics come together and result in a map that is fun, challenging, addictive and replayable to a high degree.

tktktk himself considers this merely a fairly decent map. That makes me wonder: What would he consider amazing? It's a shame that we might never find out. — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-09-01: Concrete by lifdoff

Thumbnail of the map 'Concrete'

I’m pretty sure everyone agrees that lifdoff is the ultimate mapper for jumpers nowadays. It is not for nothing that “Lucidium would be proud” has been chosen as his NUMA title.
What sets this jumper apart from the many others that he has made is the very clean layout, mainly consisting of a simple tileset and one-ways, and the manner the jumps are arranged. On top of that, lifdoff has also managed to make this map a puzzle-ish one and, as you might know, I’m always a big admirer for these.

Featured map for 2015-08-30: Non, je ne suis pas trop fatiguee. by Sunset

Thumbnail of the map 'Non, je ne suis pas trop fatiguee.'

Making a great map is by no means a walk in the park, but it is positively easy compared to making a great map with replay value. Thousands of maps are aesthetic masterworks, hundreds of maps dazzle with innovative and exciting gameplay, but the number of maps that hold you tight and don't let you go until you've finally managed that blasted AGD, dammit – those maps are few in number.

Non, je ne suis pas trop fatiguee – rarely has a map's title been more accurate, because this is a map that I never seem to tire of. — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-08-23: Merchant Harbor by tiki854

Thumbnail of the map 'Merchant Harbor'

Welcome to Merchant Harbor.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to steal the savings of a particularly rich, yet paranoid merchant only known as Mr. Tiki. While well-guarded, I can assure you that, in the end, it will be well worth the risk, as the riches that this shrewd trader has gathered easily eclipse those of other merchants.

Top-of-the-line security robots as well as the near impossibility of actually reaching his safe houses through the maze of abondoned buildings and security fences will doubtlessly pose a challenge, but I am confident that you will perform admirably.

Go! — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-08-18: Propane by _destiny^-

Thumbnail of the map 'Propane'

"I am a humble man. A man of simple pleasures. I like rising early, mowing my lawn, and watching the great sport of football with my friends. There is nothing in life that can't be solved with a cold beer and a proper brawl. I have dedicated my live to three things: God, my family, and propane. And heaven help the man who speaks ill about any of those."

"Dad, can I watch Glee now?"

"Dangit Bobby, you will not watch that *shudder* progressive media garbage. And get me a beer!" — Aidiera

Featured map for 2015-08-10: grenchslaught by sidke

Thumbnail of the map 'grenchslaught'

The city is in chaos. The masses chant "Police brutality must end!" as they march through the streets. You don't disagree with them, but you still have errands to run. Swiftly moving through the darkness, you set off on your journey. Some groceries here, some electronics there, and some clothing over yonder. Basically, whatever you can get. You sneak past a few police outposts and dodge some stray bullets, risking detection at every corner. But you're on a mission, and failure is technically an option but you'd better not fail.

And don't forget the milk! — Aidiera

Featured map for 2015-08-09: Hunting and Gathering (Cydonia) by seven_two

Thumbnail of the map 'Hunting and Gathering (Cydonia)'

For a long time, I couldn't quite put my finger on what made this map so special. Yes, it's well constructed, the mines are placed impeccably, the gold is both a challenge to collect and beautiful to look at, but that's not it.

What sets this map apart is the atmosphere of hostility that permeates it. Everything, from the jagged, vertical tiles to the lethal, terrifying mines placed meticulously to inflict maximum pain, screams “You are not welcome here!”

Are you the sane sort, someone who heeds such a warning?

Or are you a ninja? — lifdoff

Featured map for 2015-08-06: no title by Barabajagal

Thumbnail of the map 'no title'

no title by Barabajagal has something that maps of its kind seldom have. Without having to learn complicated routes, the virgin player has the ability to move freely around the level. The launch pads don't feel restricting or cramped, and their orientation follows a simple and easy to understand pattern. Barabajagal is a master of creating maps with clean and fun concepts, and this is no exception. — DaggaFork

Featured map for 2015-08-05: 10/6 by Arctic_Pony

Thumbnail of the map '10/6'

This map is puzzlingly complex, skillfully difficult, and perfectly balanced. The puzzle aspect is incredible. The solution to each thwump hall is unique, and getting the gold adds an interesting challenge as well. After figuring out the puzzle, which is quite difficult to do, you must also figure out how to dodge the gauss turret and get to the exit in a timely manner. All together, 10/6 provides a spectacular challenge for both your mind and fingers.

For maximum satisfaction from this extra-satisfying map, I recommend finishing it before watching any demos!

Featured map for 2015-08-02: Totem Tower by albla

Thumbnail of the map 'Totem Tower'

To command nothingness, the absence of tiles and objects, is a challenge for any mapper. However, I find it even harder to make worthwhile maps with what seems to be too much at first glance – in most cases, less is indeed more.

albla's has always ignored this to positive effect. “Totem Tower” looks cramped, overburdened and tedious at first, but everything has its place and interacts seamlessly with the intricate tiles and objects around it. The more you play and understand it, the better this map gets.

Few people command the void. Even fewer command its opposite - abundance. — lifdoff

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