Map Listing: 31 to 40

Castlevania 3 Level 2: Scaling the Walls

Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 3 Level 2: Scaling the Walls'
Author WordBlamCreator
Tags agd author:wordblamcreator cv3 drones level2 unrated wbc
Date Added 2009-09-10
Last Updated 2009-09-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.

DescriptionSonia stared at the huge walls which gaurded the darklord. hoping against hope she looked back down the the great black pit below her, she had just come from there. She wished there was way under the walls, but she had found no passage lead under. Taking a second look ...

Castlevania 3 Level 1: The Precipice

Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 3 Level 1:  The Precipice'
Author WordBlamCreator
Tags action author:wordblamcreator belmont cv3 level1 unrated wbc
Date Added 2009-08-21
Last Updated 2009-11-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.

DescriptionAfter Adrian Tepes' victory over Vlad Dracul, Prince of Wallachia. He quickly escaped the demon fortress. Adrian established a 'safty net' by empowering the house of Belmont with the power to defeat Dracula, soon after this Adrian Farenheights Tepes hid himself from the world a put himself in to an ...

CastleVania 3: The Legend of Belmont

Thumbnail of the map 'CastleVania 3: The Legend of Belmont'
Author WordBlamCreator
Tags addvertisement author:wordblamcreator belmont castlevania cv3 unrated wbc
Date Added 2009-08-14
Last Updated 2009-08-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.

DescriptionYes, dispite the mix oppinions regarding the last level of CVII. [] I've started work on the third of the CastleVania saga. This one takes place roughly twenty years after the events of CVII and stars the character Sonia Belmont. For those of you wondering what happened to Adrian, to reduce ...
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