
Thumbnail of the map 'Unidentifiable'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author usaswim
Tags action author:usaswim bitesized no-jump puzzle race rated
Created 2007-08-19
Last Modified 2007-08-19
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description You guys haven't seen a race map from me for a while, and here's one.

===NO JUMP===

It started off as a no-jump puzzle, but then morphed into some sort of race with puzzle and action elements.

Dedicated to skyline <3

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Calamaki' Thumbnail of the map 'Poi' Thumbnail of the map 'Pidgeon Forge' Thumbnail of the map 'Acid Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Parallel' Thumbnail of the map 'Some things just don't last long'
Calamaki Poi Pidgeon Forge Acid Storm Parallel Some things just don't last long


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all the other stuff u added made it seem hard

all i did was dodge a few things and vwala im at the door

but it was prety fun too

Forgot to mention I 5ized this.


There's something to this map that I really like.

I cheated

:p I luv to cheat on no jump maps.
Demo Data


This got sniped twice. Well, whatever they feel like rating.


obviously doesnt know the differences betweet a DDA and a NO-JUMP RACE. A DDA usually is good cuz of speed and close calls and usually uses more propulsion. A NO-JUMP has to have flow and usually doesnt use much propulsion but uses ramps for jumps and some jump pads and maybe some trap doors. Anywayz the map was cool but a bit confusing but i wont hold that against ya...



A no-jump race is just a DDA where you just alternate holding left and right. In other words: relative merit = 0.
no rating

17 frames faster

Demo Data

Thanks, dude.

I'm loving this map, especially the parts where it almost seems like an action. Faved.


Hehe, thanks Gforce, never thought that would happen...
40 maps 'til 100,000!


Demo Data


the flow is intense in parts... I checked out your demo..

also, whoops, I forgot you'd already played it.. Sorry.



Demo Data