Give me the CUBE, BOY!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'Give me the CUBE, BOY!!!'

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Author dAaZnfr3aK
Tags action author:daaznfr3ak dda fun lasers nonplayable rated rockets thwumps
Created 2007-08-14
Last Modified 2007-10-04
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description -a great line from Transformers-the most awesome movie of 2007.

This is a tilted cube. My first mini-DDA, don't be too harsh on it. 6 lasers, 4 rockets, 4 thwumps and featuring only 1 launchpad. at 9x9, 671 frames of close calls. Best watched in FBF.

And watch the unique way of slowing down the ninja with the one way windows, its worth a good look and its very effective.


Rate comment and enjoy, don't snipe, and if you rate, please tell me why.

As well as the problem above it was unfortunately unnoticed and went off the newest fairly fast.

Other maps by this author

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Cave Snappage


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It DOES lag (and I've got a pretty damn fast laptop), but not unwatchably so, so it doesn't matter much. A bit short, but it's a compact DDA, so fair enough. I think it's a good DDA. 4.5/5.


Why do you all say it lags...


too laggy, a bit short and the name is TERRIBLE :)
personally i dont like very many ddas much but... oh well


It was a bit packed and a bit to fast for my eyes

2/5. If you can't remember my comment I'll write it again.


Its getting the rating it should have, the original had a better start tho still. But at least no snipers as yet...


I love that movie too, so funy aswell..
