The Glasshouse Deity

Thumbnail of the map 'The Glasshouse Deity'

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Author formica
Tags action author:formica playable rated
Created 2005-06-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Well, it's a simple introduction to my (still) upcoming glasshouse series... And yes, I will be making 'The Glasshouse' considerably easier before using it in an episode!

And the tileset and- well, pretty much all of this map- was made as a Single Song Challange on the song 'don't panic' by Coldplay. (We live in a beautiful world.)

Info about the SSC can be found HERE:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SSC #1- 'Still' by The Foo Fighters' Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted, cracked and hopelessly broken' Thumbnail of the map 'SSC #2- 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by greenday' Thumbnail of the map 'Cut' Thumbnail of the map 'Dandruff' Thumbnail of the map 'The holy days'
SSC #1- 'Still' by The Foo Fighters Twisted, cracked and hopelessly broken SSC #2- 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by greenday Cut Dandruff The holy days


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Love this

First try demo. Maybe my favorite glass house yet.
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All golded

Even slower than iangb.
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another good glasshouse map.
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all golded

Someone should be able to beat that though - I should have got the last piece of gold near the start.

Nice map.
Demo Data


How about some mines over the exit to make the level a little longer? I like the tileset.
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