Shadow Castle Pt. 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow Castle Pt. 1'

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Author Assassin247
Tags action author:assassin247 medium playable rated
Created 2007-07-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description You are a Cloud Ninja. You must infiltrate The Castle of Shadows. The castle is surrounded by an energy shield, but there is a hole wich you can enter from. You must get through the security systems, and get to the basement where you will be instucted on what to do next. Just don't die, your suit isn't full paid off yet.

Other maps by this author

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Chambers Advanced The Deadly Box The Eye Is Watching... Infiltration Picking the Lock


Pages: (0)

it's pretty fun

provided that I removed all those redundant objects.
1. Take out most of the oneways.
2. Replace the two bottom gausses with one chaingun or one laser.
3. Take out the three oneways around the bend and replace it with one in the middle.
4. Take out that gauss right next to the three oneways and replace it with a rocket in the middle of that little opening.
5. Take out a few of those mines that you have to jump through.
6. Take out the doors around the laser, and just NaN the laser drone.
7. Do the same for the next two laser drones in the next room.
8. Replace those two chainguns with one rocket in the middle of that room.
9. I forgot. Take out all/most of the mines on the beginning wall.
10. You have got yourself one kick arse level.
Please respect other peoples opinions, however rediculous they may seem. To each his own, I guess.


Here are other maps that have a 4.5 rating:

Object clustering and unnecessary objects, 1.5/5


cool concept and nice looking level. 4.5/5

what does 3aved, 4aved, 5aved, etc. mean?
Demo Data

