fun with the dead n man

Thumbnail of the map 'fun with the dead n man'

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Author sneaky_jimenez
Tags author:sneaky_jimenez playableish unrated
Created 2007-07-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

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if you dont beat it your a noob life less poop bongatron would you smack a zombie? inside the mountain are you my grandma


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By this, we mean do not enter more than 3 maps in a row at the same time, or more than 5 maps a day. Doing this shows that you don't spend a lot of time on your maps, and can make 3 in a day. It could also mean that you have a set of maps archived, and are just submitting them now. Still please try to limit to 5 a day. By putting lots and lots of maps on at once, not only do you boot people off the main page so their maps most likely will not get rated, but you also have a very little chance of your maps getting rated. Here's an idea, submit your maps (if you have a lot) out over a period of time, such as a day or two. That way, you will give other N users enough time to rate your maps. Remember, quality over quantity