craz e N

Thumbnail of the map 'craz e N'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ballrinblack
Tags author:ballrinblack playable rated survival
Created 2005-06-20
Last Modified 2005-06-20
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description try if u dare

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ur mama' Thumbnail of the map 'X marks the Spot' Thumbnail of the map 'A Comp. Screen' Thumbnail of the map 'N in the Birth Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Kinda Fun' Thumbnail of the map 'KOTH'
Ur mama X marks the Spot A Comp. Screen N in the Birth Chamber Kinda Fun KOTH


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Frankly its mediocre.


my baby sister could make a more enjoyable level, we've seen it all before. except for the hidden mines and hidden switch...which were dumb, the poin of having the whole screen visable is so you can see everything. this defeats that AND makes the level even worse. You could of atleast put drones in more then two places, or made them homing. not a survivel either

nothing special

not bad tileset 2.5/5


first of all, not a survival.
second, don't hide things. it's really stupid. and mines inside the tiles? well that was just... ugh.
Demo Data

hidden stuff sucks

but i liked the tileset