I Really Would Prefer a Sus4 Add6 to a Second Inversion Triad

Thumbnail of the map 'I Really Would Prefer a Sus4 Add6 to a Second Inversion Triad'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author KinGAleX
Tags action author:kingalex jumper minimalism mnnml playable rated
Created 2007-07-03
Last Modified 2007-07-03
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description For the Monday Night NUMA Map League, on a Tuesday afternoon. These fuckers are lenient!

I really quite like curvy jumps, so it's not a difficult map for me. Who knows how it is for you?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Persistents And Their Heathen Ways Always Yield Supremity' Thumbnail of the map 'Old Eyes See Skyward, Inward, Forward' Thumbnail of the map 'Old Ears Hear Groundward, Outward, Backward' Thumbnail of the map 'Through Both Dualities, Though Bothersomely Duelistic, Truth Expressed' Thumbnail of the map 'Onwards Valiant Whilst Preydator Reverses - Snap!' Thumbnail of the map 'A Heartfelt Dedication to the Most Excellent Penis of My Friend, Kevin'
Persistents And Their Heathen Ways Always Yield Supremity Old Eyes See Skyward, Inward, Forward Old Ears Hear Groundward, Outward, Backward Through Both Dualities, Though Bothersomely Duelistic, Truth Expressed Onwards Valiant Whilst Preydator Reverses - Snap! A Heartfelt Dedication to the Most Excellent Penis of My Friend, Kevin


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I was still logged in as Guis from like...when was he even here? Like a month ago?

But, yeah...that comment. ...was from me.

This title...

Makes me happy... :)

All gold demo

Not bad.
Demo Data



Why does the title make me feel horny? o_O


i finally got it
Demo Data

Its pretty good


Very cool

Well crafted, KA. 4/5
Demo Data