maze race

Thumbnail of the map 'maze race'

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Author Phil_P
Tags author:phil_p playable race rated two-walls
Created 2007-07-02
Last Modified 2007-08-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a race through a maze. Try to get through it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom-1: Get into the castle!' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom-N 2: Through the secret corridors' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom-N 3: Shooting exercises' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom-N 4: Up the stairs' Thumbnail of the map 'loopy race' Thumbnail of the map 'The door in the reticule'
Phantom-1: Get into the castle! Phantom-N 2: Through the secret corridors Phantom-N 3: Shooting exercises Phantom-N 4: Up the stairs loopy race The door in the reticule


Pages: (0)

i died.

but i thorougly enjoyed it. flow was nice for the most part too. 4.5/5
Demo Data


I really like the thought put into it though. You should make another and then before submitting it you should email it to a friend for feedback. If you don't have any friends that play this game you can always email me at


good try... but the flow was bad a lot
and there were parts were u wud have to stop or break the flow to not die

3/5... only bc u spent a lot of time on it