Medicate (Infiltrate)

Thumbnail of the map 'Medicate (Infiltrate)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author necrosolarion
Tags action author:necrosolarion gold mines rated
Created 2007-06-29
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Often, descriptions of maps are pointless things. Another seemingly pointless thing are number stations. As any shortwave radio enthusiast can tell you, number stations are strange anonymous stations whose broadcasts consist of an identifier (often some bits of music or someone saying some word) and a list of numbers read out. No state takes responsibility for them, and the generally accepted theory is that they are messages to spies using a one-time cipher, which means they cannot be decoded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mines and Vines on Cosine Lines' Thumbnail of the map 'Twilight Prodigy|Carry Me Away|Chills|Blue In The Black|Nothing But The Shell' Thumbnail of the map 'Starstruck' Thumbnail of the map 'Flashbang Maniacs' Thumbnail of the map 'The Crashlock' Thumbnail of the map 'Below the Painted Floors'
Mines and Vines on Cosine Lines Twilight Prodigy|Carry Me Away|Chills|Blue In The Black|Nothing But The Shell Starstruck Flashbang Maniacs The Crashlock Below the Painted Floors


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, a balance, that way its more attractive on the thumb

or you could just do standard kind of sized tiles that are like inbetween

like the tileset

well placed gold, the drone is quite useless.
but cool level
Demo Data


I just like the thin tiles more I guess.
why dont you try being a bit more out going with tiles. all you tiles seem to be pretty thin and spindly, look at a few of yahoozys maps and see how he uses thick tiles, im not saying to copy it but just use thicker tiles every now and then. They just make it feel bolder and there for give it a better thumbnail and normally are a bit more interesting. just some advice ;)