
Thumbnail of the map 'Prisoner'

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Author Derax
Tags action author:derax playable rated
Created 2005-06-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Hi my names Derax I've made this map to see how people can help me approve on my mapmaking. Please comment and rate(high or low) I just want to approve.

I'm only 12 sorry if i spelt anything wrong.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Guards' Thumbnail of the map 'Vertex' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap Drone HQ' Thumbnail of the map 'Watch Out For The Snipers ' Thumbnail of the map 'Mess' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja`s task'
Guards Vertex Zap Drone HQ Watch Out For The Snipers Mess Ninja`s task


Pages: (0)


I'm 12 too. But I was 11 for the longest time, and made decent maps long before. Look at all of my maps, and tell me a preteen can't make a good map.

Anyway, a lot of people on NUMA like open maps. Claustrophobic maps, unless they're the actual theme of the whole thing, tend not to be fun.

Also, when you're starting out, start with easy maps. If you can beat them every time, or maybe even every other time, then people will tend to start rating them better than crazy difficult maps. Wait until you develop a good reputation before starting to make more difficult maps.

A solid first map.

I'll give you a "scientifical" 3.


you guys talk like adults all scientifical*

*=spelt wrong


u get a 2

Im 12 too...

i didnt like how u had to start moving so soon.
and also on the right bottom corner i went half way in the one way door... let the drones pass me... and got out... so a flaw here
here was around 18

Oh, by the way

I'm thirteen, Maniak's only twelve as well.


your good i thought about that trick but i thought nobody could do it

i must suck


Sorry about the a looks like a d im not that crafty


It's not his first map.
Anyway, speed demo.
Demo Data


for your first map, it's not bad. i'd like some more freedom, but not bad. your "a" looks like a "d", however.