Shifty Slides Advanced 1.3

Thumbnail of the map 'Shifty Slides Advanced 1.3'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GameAndWatch
Tags author:gameandwatch incomplete rated
Created 2005-06-13
Last Modified 2005-06-13
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Allright, since some people thought that Shifty Slides was pretty easy, this is the harder version. It is slightly longer than the original, and this time, it is really out for blood. But I'm listing this as incomplete because I want feedback about how to make the map better, and will post a final version when I can, though you can technically finish this map.(aesthetic update)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold "Mine"' Thumbnail of the map 'Minefield Rush-Medium' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinball Wizard' Thumbnail of the map 'Cave Spider' Thumbnail of the map 'Shifty Slides 1.1' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Runner'
Gold "Mine" Minefield Rush-Medium Pinball Wizard Cave Spider Shifty Slides 1.1 Thwump Runner


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tags dont work here, do they


i really really like this. question is: can you beat it?


I think this'll be the finished one.


are you going to delete this map and submit the official finished version, or should I rate this one?


It turns out it was just misplaced parameters for some gold. I took care of it.


the map is looking really good. look here for info on NaN's and how to get rid of 'em.


It's giving me a NaN at the end of the code, though I don't see what's wrong and the map appears unaffected. If you know what's wrong, tell me.


Allright, I'll fix it up a bit more.


an easier option for the mine-over-gauss bit would be to just make that little hole where it lies one tile deeper and move the gauss back into it.


okay, that one gauss turret with the mine over it still looks a bit out of place. perhaps you could just live the mine where it is and move the gauss turret to the right and up so that it rests at the end of that little tunnel, getting rid of the mine up there. this would mean that the one connecting passageway wouldn't have gauss coverage, but I don't think that would really affect the gameplay.

another suggestion - again related to aesthetics - would be to take the gold off of all the switches (especially the exit switch). as it is, the switches aren't hidden because the gold doesn't fully cover them, and it just looks a bit wierd.

that is all I can think of for now. other than cosmetic niggles, you have a nice map on your hands.


I am no longer able to cheat on that part because I moved the oneways down one tile. I think the glitch had to do with the fact that the oneways were next to a corner. Also, I took out the mines where the turrets were. This is still incomplete, and any suggestions are more than welcome.


It seems like each time I glitch-proof a map, another one comes up, though I don't see what I can do about that particular one. I'll take off those mines, except for one where it is necessary to keep the mine there as well. I'll update the map in a bit.


I agree with great_sea. Also, you may not care, but it is cheatable (see demo)
Demo Data


I haven't played it yet, and this is just personal preference, but I think it would look nicer if you removed the mines on top of the gauss turrets.