
Thumbnail of the map 'quicklynow'

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Author kkairos
Tags author:kkairos playable race unrated
Created 2007-05-31
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description short race map. all i ask raters to do is leave helpful comments; advice/constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tailed' Thumbnail of the map 'Icarus' Thumbnail of the map 'Give it Your All' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mountain Fort' Thumbnail of the map 'Snakes and Snakes' Thumbnail of the map 'there's an easy way and a hard way'
Tailed Icarus Give it Your All The Mountain Fort Snakes and Snakes there's an easy way and a hard way


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Never judge a book by it's cover. 4aved. Woulda been higher if the curved section with 3 springs had just been replaced by a slope.


nice map


not a really good demo.. not SO flowy later (if yo udo AGD, I didn't) too much gold (FLOW agd is inpossible)

Demo Data