Drink My Wine, Dig My Earth

Thumbnail of the map 'Drink My Wine, Dig My Earth'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Red_Shrapnel
Tags author:red_shrapnel playable race rated
Created 2007-05-14
Last Modified 2007-05-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description MULTI PATH "different" flow race.

I made this in order to give people a slight differ from all the other races that are being made.

I know that the flow can be very strange sometimes, and that gold peices are left behind when going some of the routes, but I didnt want a very normal flow to be incorperated in this map, so I tried something different.

I will include two of my favorite routes as a demo.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Come on over, Come on through'
Come on over, Come on through


Pages: (0)


I did it wrong, still fun
Demo Data
but has some potential. 3.5


didn't check demo :P 4/5
Demo Data

Demo 2.

Hopefully you get the idea by watching these two, or even better if you dont have to watch them.
Demo Data

Demo 1

Demo Data