Warp Hub

Thumbnail of the map 'Warp Hub'

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Author Hanzo
Tags action author:hanzo playable symmetrical teleporter teleporters unrated
Created 2007-05-12
Last Modified 2007-10-05
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hi, all. Im Hanzo, this is my first map and it uses telporters. (Thx NUMA teleporter tutorial). The only way to the exit is to get to the spring at the top centre of the map. To get there you have to use one of the teleporters that are blocked by doors.
Important: Let go of the controls before using the blocked teleporters or you could explode on the wall.


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this web page.


how about saying me
how to make ......teleporters hehehehe

It's me again

Hi, it's Hanzo again. Her's the demo data.
Demo Data