Electric Alcove

Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Alcove'

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Author the_existinator
Tags author:the_existinator playable race unrated
Created 2007-05-11
Last Modified 2007-05-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Blue race map. Gets a little bit laggy in 2 spots i think

Quite a long race

Flow demo included

Other maps by this author

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Karma Kubes #2 Face man Sure boss, I'd love to Heartily Slap my Ridiculous Crotch. But first, just let me do something not gay and retarded. The circular route of DEATH Nano Dont touch down


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Very good. It was a lil unclear as to where to go but all in all I liked it. It kept the flow and everything!


Demo Data

well actually

the demo isnt that bad
I stuffed up twice
Demo Data