Round About

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Author HeartView
Tags action author:heartview playable unrated
Created 2005-06-07
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Hope you like it.

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Stuck Like Chuck Mellow Drama Savage To the Point Motivation A Sufficiently Hard Challenge


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Can't do a demo

Until tomorrow at work, my home computer has issues with N. Basically, if you set off one laser drone you have to set them both off or you will have to do several iterations to get them back on track. But while they are both at their highest and lowest point you can jump through, trigger the thwumps, and squeeze through the thwumps out the other side. Not too hard once you get the hang of it, but getting there in the first place can be tricky.

There is a trick

To getting through the switch part, but it does take timing.

Switch part hard

I can't help but think I'd like it better with only one lazer drone. Maybe I'm being fussy today. I did like the rest of it though.