Purple Suit.The official sponser of Major League Space Pimps.

Thumbnail of the map 'Purple Suit.The official sponser of Major League Space Pimps.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MaximumRide
Tags action author:maximumride bitesized playable rated
Created 2007-05-06
Last Modified 2007-05-06
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Are my maps really that bad?

Mectradevil? Play again please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'lifethreatening' Thumbnail of the map 'The mobs of NY' Thumbnail of the map 'Downtown.' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to the Black Parade' Thumbnail of the map 'theangelsdeathwish (tiles)' Thumbnail of the map 'Smuggling Drugs Isn't Smart'
lifethreatening The mobs of NY Downtown. Welcome to the Black Parade theangelsdeathwish (tiles) Smuggling Drugs Isn't Smart


Pages: (0)

Sorry people

I shouldn't have done that. I am greedy!

Not great

But still sort of fun.
Demo Data

Demo Data
Space Pimps FTW anyway, and all that jazz...
nice map, Max..
better luck next time.
Generally, don't resubmit cause of a low rating though. I mean, I stick by my rating and bitesize, but why delete it after I'd already bitesized? ya know... it could have gotten better ratings. And once sniped, a map is always sniped. hmm. It doesn't really matter. I guess you have to be a certain type of person to enjoy this map, and that just happens to be me. :)
night 'all.


Demo Data


map is pretty good, but the normal doors are very annoying at some places.
Demo Data


its a bad habit, I'm guilty too, call me a hypocrite if you want.
I guess it was just how fast he did it that kind of bugged me, I mean it was still unrated on the newest page.
Whatever, sorry if it bugs you.


9th worst rated bitesized map from the public rating.
Well, it doesn't say anything..


I only talked about the objects..
When I moved around, most of the doors stopped me from doing my things, and that's really annoying. However, the top is rather fast and fun for the gold. I thought the chainguns are excessive though.


Very abstract tileset there, but just the gameplay:
The launchpads are a big hindrance, the bounceblocks aren't really needed, about many thing in this map are for aesthetic purposes. The doors are a bit excessive, the trapdoors are a nice touch, however.

The flow near the exit is good, but the double doors are really a hindrance.



Epigone kinda has a point.
But I stick by what I said, it's all very fun for me...
I don't care if no one else agrees; It's my opinion.
here's a fairly bad demo... I'm still struggling for completion. @Epigone, I think at one point or another, we've all resubbed a map because of a low rating. We are all guilty. Why change your rating?
Demo Data


I was going to give it a 3.5, but then you resubbed it because of a low rating.
Anyway, it's a good map but it has its flaws. For instance, most of the oneways are either a hindrance or an artistic inessentials.


Space Pimp