There and Back Again

Thumbnail of the map 'There and Back Again'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ntropolis11
Tags action author:ntropolis11 playable unrated
Created 2007-04-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This will keep you on the edge of youre seat the entire time. Just to let you know, this map is extremely hard, but it is perefctly possible to beat and get all gold.
Have fun, or at least try too.




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Hey, wow.

I saw your newest map on the hot maps page, and the thumb looked good, but I hadn't heard of you before, so I scrolled through your archive, and when I got to your first (listed) map I saw ... a LotR reference! And now you're my new favorite author.


It's beautiful

And superhard. I got over the top :]
Demo Data


This pretty much summarizes the level. not fun... 8(
Demo Data


Thanks for posting you're demo's Mechtradelvil, i guess I wasent lying when I said "This map is extremely hard" Eh?

And thanks for the rating...
I still can't beat it.
Demo Data
AG is not for me, lol. great level from what I got first time.. off to play more. :P
Demo Data