Dying out

Thumbnail of the map 'Dying out'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author walrus_of_death
Tags action author:walrus_of_death playable rated
Created 2007-04-28
Last Modified 2007-04-28
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description You're the last one

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clawing their way' Thumbnail of the map 'Ctrl+OHNO' Thumbnail of the map 'Run! Like the WIND!' Thumbnail of the map 'Neighborhood #1' Thumbnail of the map 'Digital Dandelions' Thumbnail of the map 'Let go my free will'
Clawing their way Ctrl+OHNO Run! Like the WIND! Neighborhood #1 Digital Dandelions Let go my free will


Pages: (0)

But the overall feel of the level was great. Great work man. 4/5.

really fun

good map. 4.5/5


I can see why the others died.

Same as Mechtradevil, 4.5aved.
Demo Data

Here's a completion

I'm working on an agd.
Demo Data


Demo Data