
Thumbnail of the map 'Forever'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author k1rbywasthere
Tags author:k1rbywasthere rated tileset
Created 2007-04-28
by 6 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Who are you to wave your finger?' Thumbnail of the map 'Men.' Thumbnail of the map 'K' Thumbnail of the map 'Certainly Hopefully Will' Thumbnail of the map 'Troubled' Thumbnail of the map 'These Thoughts Will Carry Me'
Who are you to wave your finger? Men. K Certainly Hopefully Will Troubled These Thoughts Will Carry Me


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this tileset

is the sex. it looks so cool, dude, u have to make a level with it... but should alter some tiles slightly to make certain areas accessible... but yeah.... 4.5/5

pretty good

4/5 looks like something u might be able to turn into a kra race or something