its a hole!

Thumbnail of the map 'its a hole!'

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Author lamberto0
Tags action author:lamberto0 playable rated
Created 2005-06-02
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description quite challenging and thank you very much to my gd m8 bleach00 who helped ma a lot because im struggling to make my maps good so he helped me a lot thanks a lot m8


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Well, seeing as I'm in a "respektabl" position, I think I can offer some advice:

First, I rated this a 0 without seeing it. Then I played it.

The map looks like a piece of garbage. But you can work on that by smoothing stuff out, and not using so many mines.

Also, the gameplay was quite good, but for such a long level, you probably will want to have less enemies, or easier methods of moving around(a.k.a. bounceblocks).

This is mainly Bleach00's work anyway, so I suggest trying to make a map on your own, but in the style of mine or one of the other top rated maps, and see how that goes.

quite good!

reminds me of scatterbrain (maniak) in the user levels