You Cannot Control Me

Thumbnail of the map 'You Cannot Control Me'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author remote
Tags author:remote playable race rated
Created 2007-04-14
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description the best race ive ever made. i dont want to sspoil it by adding lots of objects. just, follow the flow ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Aposidpoask' Thumbnail of the map 'Running On Empty Once Again' Thumbnail of the map 'You could of ruled the world...' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead World' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Healed!' Thumbnail of the map 'It The Way That It Makes You Fall In...'
Aposidpoask Running On Empty Once Again You could of ruled the world... Dead World I'm Healed! It The Way That It Makes You Fall In...


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I'd sex this map

if it was longer and had items.

*Attempts to do so*
First of all, i really like maps consisting only of tiles and ninja. But the thing is with those kind of maps, that the tiles must be challenging.
Tileset of this map was not "challenging", neither the flow of map was'nt hard to go through (figuring it out should not be as hard, but going through it should i think).
3.5/5 For a good beginning

First try.

That was so boring.
Demo Data

may i...

post this?


howz this?


i think its bettr


It' alright, but I don't like it that much. The tiles are a little out of place, and the flow isn't "perfect".
It's not bad, though. As you can see, from my demo's speed-gap between the other demo's, it still offers room for competition.

Demo Data

Demo Data

woops sorry

... not really that great, tiles are placed quite badly and... yeh... sorry

ill giv you a 3....

.... actually nah

Demo Data
Demo Data