Mine Racer 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Racer 2'

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Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon playable race rated
Created 2007-04-10
Last Modified 2007-04-10
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description this is another really short race. feedback, demos, and ratings would be nice.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Racer' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirrored Path' Thumbnail of the map 'As easy as 123' Thumbnail of the map 'Go with the Flow' Thumbnail of the map 'Go with the Flow(revised)' Thumbnail of the map 'Another Short Race'
Mine Racer Mirrored Path As easy as 123 Go with the Flow Go with the Flow(revised) Another Short Race


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a list of suggestions:

- don't use enemies in boxes. just NaN them.

- don't use so many enemies. a single well-placed rocket turret would do just fine.

- don't use perfect circles in races. they look very bad, and they aren't that fun.

- don't repeat sections in races. you have two circles that are exactly the same. it gets boring.

- don't use 4 tiles in races. they slow down the flow, and just plain suck.

- don't use trampolines in races. you should rely more on the tiles to create flow, not just bounce the ninja in a direction.

- don't use so many mines. they look ugly, create lag, and are just unecessary. a couple mines in a certain area where you could make a mistake and lose flow do the job.

- make the tileset more interesting. right now you have a fugly, crude tileset. try getting rid of the rough edges, or at least clean it up a bit.

that's all i can think of right now.