watch that!

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Author Master_T
Tags author:master_t dda rated
Created 2007-04-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description wow! made a DDA! dunno whether it´s good. so watch it, rate and comment on it and i´ll be statisfied or not! its up to you......

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'masterpiece' Thumbnail of the map 'around and around' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket-arena'
masterpiece around and around rocket-arena


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I do normally

but not in this case, since it's your first.
Its a VERY decent first DDA, I can't make them this way, 4/5.
Keep up the work and you might make DDA's which come close to Clifty's DDA's!


but i agree with fingersonthefrets

its ok

wat that other guy said about enemies and launchpads. people like ddas with a wide variety and sneaky tricks. try mixin stuff up. look at others ddas

its ok

wat that other guy said about enemies and launchpads. people like ddas with a wide variety and sneaky tricks. try mixin stuff up. look at others ddas


thank you for the tips. i´ll keep them in mind.....

k here we go

boring start (sliding bit)= BAD
heaps of gold left over at end= ok just try not to
heaps of gold delay= ok just try not to
Heaps of launch pads= ok if its something with heaps of enemies or something complicated like a KRADDA, but still always alot better with more methods of propulsion
Other methods of propulsion: nice but you can find a few more
Only enemies rockets: bad, try using a variety of enemies, but stick off lasers and chains till you get better (personally, i normally like DDA's alot more if there are a few homing drones used

pretty average DDA
NR because i dont really wanna giv it a bad score...