The eternal stride

Thumbnail of the map 'The eternal stride'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author turtles
Tags author:turtles bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-03-31
Last Modified 2008-02-09
by 35 people.
Map Data

Description Good bye Numa.
Forever. (or not)

Don't try to stop me. Ive been here almost two years now, and everyone who ever supported me left. A while ago. And they ALL came before me. Anyways, rate and comment and stuff. This map is the map that took me the longest out of any other map i have EVER made.
This map:
3 hours of making it itself.
15 hours of playtesting.
5 hours of editing.
have fun!

Edit: or maybe I wont leave. How about that?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tailgating' Thumbnail of the map 'Capsules' Thumbnail of the map 'Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Trade' Thumbnail of the map 'The Killing Road' Thumbnail of the map 'Thorn Apart'
Tailgating Capsules Storm Trade The Killing Road Thorn Apart


Pages: (0)


Since I wasn't here...

OMG no!!! Don't go! I love your maps!


Yay!!! Glad to see you back!!!

as for this map...

pretty much what Nexx said. 4/5aved


Yay. Okay, okay, it's not as awesome as it could be - I got it with -10 underclock in NReality. But maybe someday I'll get it without. That part in the top right with the jumppad is really annoying. I get it maybe 1 in 3 tries, and that's just lame for the last (meaningful) obstacle at the end of a long, hard level.

Anyway, the level's decent. It's much too difficult, but it has so many things going on that it keeps my interest. Nice work.
Demo Data


hard, but refreshingly original... :)
Then submitted the map after this on the 2nd saying "April Fools!" That would've made more sense.

Oh My God...

What will the world be like turtleless?...

Pretty good.

I just think it's a bit long. It would be easier if you could just jump w/o going left and right, if you know what I mean, because of the one ways. 4.5/5

Demo Data

Great map.

Sad to see you go, turtle.

Hvae a good life. 5


1.not another good map-maker leaving!!
2.why delete your maps anyway? keep them here, like if u published an award-winning book, would u burn it?
3.(4.5/5)-.5because a bit repetitive
4.i tried my hardest but i couldn't pass this part here, damn
Demo Data

Turtle, you whore.

Stay here before I cry and take a crap in a trash can and throw it at someone.
Five and fave.


far as I'm gonna get without FBF
Demo Data


is really incredible.

I couldn't imagine beating it, but the ingenuity is brilliant. 5.

dont feel bad...

i've never completed it in one go, either.


I've been really impressed by this map. My demo is around 70% complete. I'll try post a completion demo tomorrow. 5aved.
Demo Data


Okay people, stop begging him.
t'was a joke! o_O
see his next map...


dont go away, youre one of my fav authors. NOOOOO I'M BEGGING U PSE DONT LEAVE!!!!!!

why delete?

We're just gonna search for all your maps on google cached and remake them. As for the map, addicting, and really fun but way too hard for my skills. 4.5/5


thanks, Deathcloud.
When I can't find a good map in the newest, I check in my fav authors the maps I missed.
This is the reason why I can't give you the name of a map to keep, turtle.

What I like is wandering around in my fav authors's old map list...

btw, this map is cool, but a little too hard for my skills... Nice ideas, though. :)

Even with FBF

this is as far as I can get
Demo Data


Honestly, why do you people always stir up drama and go deleting maps? Seriously.
Anywho, for anyone that cares I've taken the liberty to archive his maps. I'll post them or something later.
I do like your maps by the way. =/ (although this one is crazy hard. I've never been good at these things)

Well, think about it, it's not as if everyone in the world had something against you and therefore don't comment on your maps. You need to give them a reason to comment.
Like this "leaving" map; it gave people a reason to comment. On a normal map, make something spectacular, be it a concept, tileset, or something like that, and people /will/ comment. If your map's plain-ol', then people have no reason to comment on the map. Still, it's an absurd reason to leave.


"Although, leaving because people don't see your maps isn't one of your brighter ideas."

They dont notice them
when I said that, I meant that they rate like, for example, a 3.5 and dont comment.

or a 5/5 and dont comment
it bugs me...
Although it's quite repetitive.

it IS hard

but usually people still submit demos of their attempts
This may sound stupid, but that means you need a better sales pitch.
And a prettier thumbnail.

Although, leaving because people don't see your maps isn't one of your brighter ideas.

and if I could,

I'd bitesize this.

really hard.

I think the reason no-one is submitting a demo is cause its hard (or at least it is for me).

5aved. Looks cool.

i support you!

dont you dare leave! i promise, i will play all off your maps if you promise not to leave

ANYONE have a demo?

*gives up*

that would be horrendously stupid, as you mentioned

Im leaving because nobody takes any time to notice my maps. It seems the longer I work on them, the less that they're liked.
...then you need to realize that ratings aren't everything.
People play maps for fun.
You should make maps for fun.
Not to 'light-up' a .jpg Ninja Icon on a page that has your name on it.



that's it!

the first rating was a 5, and then a 4, and then a 4, and then a 3.5, and this last one must have been like a 2 or a one.


And amconline was wondering why I was going...
although it wasnt a HUGE deletion

Only about 75 maps...
I did not rate yet.
I did not play yet.
I'm going to bed, it's really late here.
Again, please, don't delete the maps.
Think that it's a part of you, of your work and time that is left behind to N players.
Don't erase what you've done.
or were you not the person who voted?

oh ! come on !

come on !
Not forever !
Don't you go away like that !
And don't delete your maps ! I always check in the maps from people I like, even the very first maps. So please.
It's really stupid to delete them.

Come and see us some times. We'll miss you.