My First DDA

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Author bewnt
Tags author:bewnt dda rated
Created 2007-03-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Original title, dontcha think?

From this creation I have realized a lot. One minor change can disrupt the whole DDA. Also, I like it when some things just fit nicely into my DDA, sliding and making close deaths.

Of course, for the left part of the map I rely too much on tiles for movement, and on the right I use too many launchpads. No worries, I am not a fan of gold delay, so none of that here. And this is not a complex nor a very long DDA, so bear with me.

Most of all, do enjoy =) Comments are MUCH NEEDED. A newbie is here looking for advice.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The 150 Seconds of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Ride, Slide, Glide' Thumbnail of the map '15 divided by 2 = Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Monsters Release! V1.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Tomb Manuver' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy Now or Easy Later'
The 150 Seconds of Doom Ride, Slide, Glide 15 divided by 2 = Death Monsters Release! V1.0 Tomb Manuver Easy Now or Easy Later


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It's A good first.

But people like fast speeds so try working on that. 4/5
I guess you were right... I was just desperate for a method to teleport the ninja from the right to the left. Could have made use of all that space, couldn't I...
my first ones still in the works. but thanks!
try to avoid making edited ones. They can ruin really good DDAs.

Pretty nice

I'm not a big DDA map maker, but thumbs up, this one is nice.

Ah, thank you...

...the god of all DDAs =)

I'll try harder...

Listen to martyr

and your DDAs will rock.
speed it up,
more close calls,
even types of propulsion(balanced)...
make it longer and have a good looking tileset.



Thanks very much for the comment and rating, but I hope you can give me insight on how to improve.
ive seen. 3 propolsion methods, but its below average. 2.