Trust the Gold

Thumbnail of the map 'Trust the Gold'

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Author bikefreak126
Tags action author:bikefreak126 playable rated
Created 2005-05-25
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description It is a level where you need to trust the gold to complete it.


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is the jump pads on the left, jump pads are always worth the load time for me, but you could try thinning them out a bit more, theres also a NaN at the end of the jum pad path, dunno if this was maybe intentional?


do so many people feel so compelled to create maps like this?

Please, don't cluster the gold! Don't tile it like that! It's pointless...

All that the gold does is add load time to the level. And add 2 seconds of time to your level, but the amounts of gold in this level are really, really, really excessive. You would never realistically need anywhere near this much gold in a level in the game. (When added to the userlevels.txt document.)

This level takes forever to load, which also really bugs me.

And the tileset needs some work too, TRY USING SOME DIFFERENT TILES.

(sorry, caps.)