LV 02-4: in soviet russia, baby eats you!

Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-4: in soviet russia, baby eats you!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author littleviking001
Tags action author:littleviking001 bitesized playable rated
Created 2005-05-24
by 35 people.
Map Data

Description The LV Chronicles

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'LV 01-2: bunny hop' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 01-4: just feels like a 4' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 01-3: smooth run' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-0: sneeze' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-1: encore' Thumbnail of the map 'LV 02-2: mapper's block'
LV 01-2: bunny hop LV 01-4: just feels like a 4 LV 01-3: smooth run LV 02-0: sneeze LV 02-1: encore LV 02-2: mapper's block


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

Nice Map.

2nd try AGD
Demo Data

Whoah at the end...

I like this map.
Demo Data

I feel tough....


It was good fun.
Demo Data
It's a Yakov Smirnoff reference. Family Guy just happened to make a reference to him.


Have you been watcihing Familly Guy?
this should be a in game level. in short freaking awsome. but yeah 5/5

Best level

I'd like to say, "ever."
Fantasnastic level, makes me want to do a jig. Great, great, great, deserving of a straight five out of five.
It's just so... great. I can't even stop talking about it.

Yeah Yeah

Funny Joke. In Soviet Russia, we have no money


difficult because of the zap drone. nonetheless, it's a fun level, and i liked it.