
Thumbnail of the map 'curvsicle'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author VV33
Tags action author:vv33 playable rated
Created 2007-03-04
Last Modified 2007-03-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description hard to finish but rewarding, like a popsicle

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'one more time' Thumbnail of the map 'CTC: example' Thumbnail of the map 'she had it coming' Thumbnail of the map 'face me' Thumbnail of the map 'mushroom growth' Thumbnail of the map 'party at the fly-house'
one more time CTC: example she had it coming face me mushroom growth party at the fly-house


Pages: (0)

danke shoen

topo is right: 2.5 is not a "nice" rating

2.5= average

'nice' is at least 3. sheesh.

too hard for the likes of me, but pretty cool nonetheless.
nice level though 2.5. check out my levels i just started and made 2.
It's no fun getting past them. One would be better.

Demo Data


if you specify what you mean
i would gladly change the map- what i look forward to most is constructive critism


I don't like the ending.
Demo Data