Subtle Differences

Thumbnail of the map 'Subtle Differences'

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Author Twistkill
Tags action author:twistkill playable rated
Created 2007-03-03
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Here's one I just came up with out of nowhere. I added the rocket to add variety to my overused style of just thwumps and gausses, even though it does make the level a bit harder.

And yes, I know it's symmetrical, but it's fun. Honest.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lethal Trajectory' Thumbnail of the map 'Zero Fade' Thumbnail of the map 'Zarnesi' Thumbnail of the map 'Verisimillitude' Thumbnail of the map 'Would You Like Fries With That?' Thumbnail of the map 'It's Like Rain on a Sunny Day'
Lethal Trajectory Zero Fade Zarnesi Verisimillitude Would You Like Fries With That? It's Like Rain on a Sunny Day


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I like this!

I like symmetry! This is really good.

First Try.

*Bare Cheats*
Demo Data

Awesome map.

Flowy as hell, and there are many different paths. Solid 4/5.


This is the second time this has happened. I actually planned to fix that, but in my haste to submit the map I didn't remember to.

SD (until i died)

i like the way you arnt usally in range of more then one enemy at once. 3.5/5
Demo Data


Not bad. I don't know if you realized this, but you only need to get the bottom door to get to the exit.
Demo Data


Damn these typing mistakes...


Enough of the symmetry comments already... I won't do them anymore if you pisses you guys off so much. ¬_¬
But yeah, it's enjoyable: 3.5
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