well.... i guess you could say im a little rough around the edges

Thumbnail of the map 'well.... i guess you could say im a little rough around the edges'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets playable race rated
Created 2007-02-25
Last Modified 2007-03-19
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description i set a challenge to my self to make a realy rough looking but pretty smooth playing KRA race... i think i succeeded

ded to Mr.Goodwin (my maths teacher) for being such a retard

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the sex' Thumbnail of the map 'tagalong' Thumbnail of the map 'it was supposed to be minimalistic...' Thumbnail of the map 'what a tank!' Thumbnail of the map 'atmospheric' Thumbnail of the map 'drink driving'
the sex tagalong it was supposed to be minimalistic... what a tank! atmospheric drink driving


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this was actually quite fun, thank you mr. goodwin
Demo Data


love the tilset


love the tilset


It had really good flow i think. some places killed N if you went too fast or jumped to hard. still i reckon 4/5.
you know, this is really spectacular. 4.5/5
Demo Data

I didn't

see that teleporter coming. Its still quite nice.

Although i think you made the tileset a bit to fractal. I know you were aiming for that but i think it might look better in places if it were a bit more solid
Demo Data


Smooth.... I found it fun and hard (maybe just because i suck at KRA stuff) although it can be cheated relatively easily as shown in the demo... 4/5
Demo Data


i know its a pretty short race but i liked the spiral of it :D
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