25-2: Thwerapy

Thumbnail of the map '25-2:  Thwerapy'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2007-02-02
Last Modified 2007-02-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Dedicated to uNcoNditioNal because I love him to tiny bits.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '~.:.^Pixelz^.:.~' Thumbnail of the map '24-3:  THIS is Heaven??' Thumbnail of the map '24-4:  Selective' Thumbnail of the map '25-0:  Dawn's Crack' Thumbnail of the map '"Real"' Thumbnail of the map '25-1:  Thetawaves'
~.:.^Pixelz^.:.~ 24-3: THIS is Heaven?? 24-4: Selective 25-0: Dawn's Crack "Real" 25-1: Thetawaves


Pages: (0)

But, but, but...

I try to tell it like it is... if i rate too highly, I'm sorry. ;(


often overstates his love for a map, but I don't mind when it's on one of my maps.. XD sweet GP and tiles... great. I love how you can choose between difficulty... 5/5
Demo Data


/Embarrased/ I haven't completed a single column in N. So AGD is hard for me. ;D


by the way, it friday!! call me!! 782 4891
because you have like a million highscores!!
In fact, this was my first try. The tileset was great! 4/5
Demo Data


I love it!

Great aesthetics:
Tiles are awesome.
Thwumps and gold are really nicely arranged.
One of your best looking maps.

As for gameplay, it's perfect:
The thwumps are really well thought out.
The gold is perfectly placed.
Exit switch is simple yet good.
And you balanced the difficuty really well:
It provides a challenge, but not a boring one, making it insanely replayable.

5aved + AGD = bESt MaP EVa!!1one!1!
Demo Data

Fun map..

Nice TS
And a good concept.
AGD is far too hard for me though ;D