22-3: Propel

Thumbnail of the map '22-3:  Propel'

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Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2007-01-24
Last Modified 2007-02-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Erm... different concept, I guess...
RCE or whatever.

Best quote of the week:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '22-0:  Trapper Syndrome' Thumbnail of the map 'Sandstorm' Thumbnail of the map 'JaX' Thumbnail of the map '22-1:  Ant Farm' Thumbnail of the map '22-2:  Roulette' Thumbnail of the map 'ImPosSIbLay!!'
22-0: Trapper Syndrome Sandstorm JaX 22-1: Ant Farm 22-2: Roulette ImPosSIbLay!!


Pages: (0)

my ninja does the craziest sexiest little jump towards the door. Even in death, he lusts for it's awesome purpleness...
:D 4/5.
Demo Data
'bout your map-making skills. It went like this "Her aesthetics are shit", "Yeah, most of the time", "Sweet lubricated Christ her gameplay makes up for it though", "If only we could make maps like hers eh?"

PS: Do you have your rating ability back?
Demo Data
Nice level.. Looks good, and plays quite well 4/5.

Good job.


Simplicity and feel of the level is nice, and All-Gold provides a moderate challenge.